Despite the name of this blog, we have not taken an editorial position on the next presidential election, and we would not take the presumption of disagreeing with
Charles Krauthammer. Nonetheless, as the Palin blog with the best URL, we feel obligated to make the obvious point in defense of the governor. Steve Schmidt's
obvious hostility toward the Governor notwithstanding, Palin's
explanation of her husband's registration in the Alaskan Independence Party is perfectly reasonable:
Todd Palin was a registered member of the Alaskan Independence Party between 1995 and 2002. Alaska used a blanket primary in 1996, 1998, and 2000, so it is plausible that Todd Palin didn’t notice that he was a registered member of the Alaskan Independence Party, since every primary voter received the same primary ballot in any event. In 2002, each party had its own primary ballot. The voter registration form in use during 1995 listed these choices, with the parties in alphabetical order:
Affiliation: (with a checkbox next to each line)
Alaska Democratic Party
Alaskan Independence Party
Green Party of Alaska
Republican Party of Alaska
non-partisan (no party affiliation)
undeclared (no party declared)
Why should we assume that now First Dude had any knowledge of the platform of the Independence Party other than some vague association with Ross Perot? In the end of the day, the only new information that has been revealed by this whole controversy is that Steve Schmidt is a real
piece of schmidt.